​​Noah William Mosher son of Jehu Mosher and Eleanor Foley

Born 22 Oct 1807 New Brunswick, Hants, NS  Died 17 Jul 1872, Norwalk, Connecticut USA

Noah William Mosher 1807-1872 married Sarah Eliza Stillman 1812-1892

Their children:

  • Rachel Salome 1830-1901 married Josiah J. Dutcher of New York - 2 children; Godfrey W. 1845- 13.7.1913 and Angelina b1854
  • Oman Edward Mosher 1830-1893 married 1. Sarah E. Byerly 1829-1867. Children;

          Alfred b1854 married Margaret Dougherty,  Frank D 1859-1945 married Lena Shoemaker,

          Alonzo M. 1862-1865

          2. Sarah Catherine Kitchell 1846-1925. Children; Clementine Harrison 1868-1929 married John

          G. Hilbert,Augustus Noye 1873-1917 married Annie Carey, Sarah Eliza b1876, Edison

          1880-1964 married 1. Janette J. Riddle 2. Minnie May Ruble, Edward S. 1880-1927, Lillie

         Gertrude 1887-1892.

  • Damarius Mosher 1838-1923 married Isaac Fisher -2 children ; Leander and Augusta
  • Clementine H. Mosher b1842 married Michael Marks. 
  • ​Noah William Mosher Jr 1847-1914 married Catherine Amelia Comstock 1855-1944. 6 children; Amanda 1871-1943 married Myron W. Tracy, Charles Snowdon 1872-1942 married Anna M. Dehart, Asa Hill 1876-1960 married Olive Martell, Naomi Ellen 1877-1944 married Adoniram Judson Wilson, Richard Ellison 1888-1960 married Mary Jonas.
  • Leander H. Mosher 1845-1883 married Jessie Louise Read 1849-1905. 2 children. Jessie Viola Mosher 1871-1955 married John Charles Walworth 1870-1949. Mabel Mosher 1875-1942. Theatre actress known as Mabel Montgomery. Married 3 times. 1. Augustus J. Gertenbach 2. Joseph Hennigar - 2 children of this marriage Joseph Roy Hennigar & Herbert M. Hennigar.     3. James Francis Mooney 1892-1985. Mabel’s last years were spent living in Honolulu, Hawaii.  

Noah William Mosher was born on 22 Oct 1807, the son of Jehu's second marriage to Eleanor Foley. He went to the USA and was naturalised on Oct 30, 1856 in Norwalk, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah Eliza Stillman and had 2 sons, Leander and Noah.  The 1860 U.S. Census lists Noah aged 54, Sarah his wife aged 48, sons Leander 16 and Noah 13. Noah Snr occupation is Overseer of Alms House. All family were born in Nova Scotia. 

The 1870 U.S. Census lists Noah Snr as 62 and a Lighthouse Keeper. Sarah is 58 years and Noah Jnr is 23 years and also listed as a Lighthouse keeper. 

The U.S. Register of Civil, Military and Naval Service 1863-1959 lists Noah Snr as the LightHouse keeper for Norwalk Island Connecticut from 1865 until 1873.  

A newspaper story in July 1872 announced that Noah Mosher, who had been keeper since 1861, had died suddenly a few days earlier. According to the story, Mosher "was seated in a chair, spyglass in hand, watching several vessels which were passing the island, and talking about them to persons standing near, when he suddenly fell backward and in an instant was dead." The Lighthouse Keeper duties were taken over by Noah Jnr on his father’s death. Noah Jnr was married to Catherine Comstock and the 1880 U.S. Census gives us a snapshot into his life now aged 33 years with a young family. In 1883 the Norwalk Business Directory lists Noah Mosher as an Artist and in his death notice in 1914 he was still known as one living in Davenport Neck in New Rochelle. He and Catherine had 5 children, Amanda, Charles, Asa, Naomi and Richard.

                          New England Lighthouses including Sheffield Island Lighthouse