The Mosher Family known as "The English Moshers" have a long association with maritime history, from the epic journey of Hugh Mosher from England to New England in the early 1630's as part of The Great Migration, to the arrival of James and Lydia Mosher and their children to Nova Scotia in 1760 as part of The New England Planters migration.
In his book, The Age of Sail, author Stanley Spicer details in Chapter 3, Newport Landing and Avondale Shipbuilders, the rise of shipbuilding and sailing brigs and schooners through the generation of Moshers. The best of all families went to Nova Scotia to make better lives for themselves and strengthened their bonds through the marriage of the children and subsequent generations. 8000 Planters "colonists" came to Nova Scotia. There were 13 families that arrived at Newport Landing totalling 58 on the Sloops "Lydia" and "Sally", most families being farmers.
The first vessel according to William C. Moshers 1891 family history account was a Sloop launched in 1807 built by Nicholas Mosher b1766 and sailed by Barzillai his brother, a sea captain.
Stanley Spicer states" The most active shipbuilders in the Mosher family descended from two of Nicholas brothers, Jehu b1755 and George b1771".
Jehu and Hannah Greeno's son Jehu Jr (1783-1865) and his sons Silas and Nicholas. William Henry Mosher, Silas's son was one of the last shipbuilding Moshers.
George and his wife Margaret Thompson produced sons Ira and Nicholas (known as Nicholas Jr) and their daughter Margaret married Elkanah Trask Harvie. Their son John Andrew Harvie, was a prominent builder with his wife's family. Another daughter of George and Margaret, Lydia (1792-1875) married Richard Mounce, their sons William and Captain George also involved.
It is thought but not certain that the first Mosher Shipyard may have been operational from 1829 when Nicholas Mosher Jr built Two Sisters and was then joined in operation with his son James and grandson Thomas. The other shipyard was built alongside by John Andrew Harvie and William H Mosher. They launched their brig Caledonia in 1839 followed by the brig Flora MacDonald in 1840.
The shipyards continued with the passing of various owners, Ira in 1848, Nicholas sold his share to his nephew John Andrew Harvie, Silas died in 1865 and his share went to his son William H Mosher and he and Harvie each owned half of what was now the Mosher-Harvie Shipyard. Harvie died in 1882 leaving William H. as the owner and he eventually closed the Shipyard in 1890 following the launch of the ship Angola.